My new babies

It’s amazing how everything works out sometimes. We can sometimes get so caught-up in our busy lives; taking care of the kids, working, sorting out the house etc, that we don’t take a moment to sit back and just think… “Wow, what just happened”.

Well this year was certainly my year to take a moment, because some big things were happening.

Ok, since this is my first post, I’ll give you some background. I am a graphic designer and I own my own business called Oh Yay. I do mostly wedding invitations & stationery. I have been doing this for the past 6 years and really love every single moment of it. I have a little toddler and a lovely husband.

Ok, so back to the big things that were happening:

Firstly, my husband and I decided we are going to try for another baby after I turned 30 (I had to of course be able to drink a glass of bubbly on this big occasion) And because we struggled for 2 years the first time, I didn’t want to get my hopes up, I was ready for a loooooong journey.

And just as you think you are prepared for whatever difficult situation life throws at you, life decides to throw nothing at you, or well, throws a baby at you, in my case. I got pregnant the second month of trying. So from two years the first time, to two months the second! This really made me sit back and think “Wow, what just happened”!

Then another thing happened… With all the excitement of the new addition to our family, preparing the room and brainstorming craft projects I want to do for the new baby, along came Oh Yay kids. I have wanted to this so long, but life got so busy, and I am a bit of a perfectionist, so if I can’t do something properly, I don’t do it at all. The funny thing is, this business idea has been with me for so long, that once I decided it was time, it just took me 2 months to do everything. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I was so inspired I could not sleep and just started designing and putting the website together and “voila!” here it is. Again, this made me sit back and think “Wow, what just happened?!”.

So basically I have two new babies, which both took about 2 months to conceive, the boy, growing from my belly and then this little site, growing from my creativity.

I am so excited to share my products & this exciting new journey with you and hopefully adding a little fun and creativity to you and your little one’s lives!

Emmerentia van den hoven

I am a mother, wife, graphic designer, crafter and lover of all things pretty. I aim to make products that are quirky, fun, pretty and functional.

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